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Ep. 387: Full Length Life Outside the Box Series Example - Life on the Road Travelling from Chile to Alaska in a VW Bus - Ben Jamin

This was our first episode of the Life Outside of the Box series available only to Patrons. We are playing this fill length interview so you know what you'll be getting when you sign up as an ASP Patron. These exclusive Patron-Only shows air on Friday each week. Becoming an Adventure Sports Podcast Patron only costs $5 a month and gets you exclusive shows like this, chances to win cool  product giveaways, opportunities to be a guest host of future episodes and the ability to submit questions for future show guests! Get signed up now at www.patreon.com/adventuresportspodcast 
Now for the show..... Ben Jamin (yep, real name!) joins us in this inaugural LOTB show to share with us his transformation from corporate from the 9-5 grind to a life on the road driving a Kombi (VW Bus) from Chile to Alaska. His trip took him 6 years! His plan was to pick up riders along the way who needed transportation and who were willing to help with the costs for food and fuel. Ben discovered that he could earn a living while on the road and is now planning to continue around the world. Check it out! It's a great story to get the LOTB inspiration flowing!
See more from Ben Jamin on his site at kombilife.com Make sure you check out his books when you're there too!
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