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LOTB Preview - Life Outside of the Box Series - Life on the Road Spreading Kindness - Leon Logothetis

Leon Logothetis joins us for another episode about living his life on the road traveling the world while relying on the kindness of strangers he meets along the way. If you haven't read Leon's books or seen his Netflix documentary series, you're missing out! Leon's stories and experiences will bring a tear to your eye as you witness acts of kindness you may not even think are possible. Do yourself a favor and visit www.leonlogothetis.com to find out more or head to Netflix and watch his first series on Kindness 1. Leon's new series is due out in January as well!


Facebook: @LeonLogothetis

Twitter: @LeonLogothetis

Instagram: @LLogothetis

YouTube: @LeonLogothetis

Of course, this is only a short preview of Leon's full episode available to our Patreon subscribers. If you'd like to help support ASP and reap the rewards, head over to www.patreon.com/adventuresportspodcast to sign up for just $5 per month!

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