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Ep. 560: Pushing Yourself While Pushing Your Mother - Beth Craig

When Beth’s mom, Barbara, was diagnosed with MS at the age of 38, a lot of things quickly seemed out of control and out of reach. Her mother’s confinement to a wheelchair was now the new normal. However, nothing seemed to be able to stop Barbara’s (Babsie) from wearing her room-filling smile. 

Years later, when Beth went to a local running event, she saw Rick and Dick Hoyt running in a modified wheelchair, since Rick was unable to walk or speak after being born with Cerebral Palsy. 

Once Beth saw the father-son duo doing the impossible, she knew that she and her mother could do those events too. She got a hold of a Hoyt “Blade” running wheelchair and started running with her mother, creating Team Babsie. 

To date, they’ve completed tons of 5Ks, 10Ks, half-marathons, marathons, triathlons and charity bike rides. Last summer, Team Babsie pushed Babsie to the top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. Currently, they are training to qualify for the Boston Marathon and in the Spring of 2020 they are headed to Spain to walk a part of the Camino de Santiago

I hope you enjoy this story of inspiration, commitment, and love. 


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  1. Great 👍inspiring tale thank you Bett, Babs, and Deb. Bob Belanger


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