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Ep. 608: Finding Solitude While Living Above the Arctic Circle - Katherine Keith

“Katherine Keith is a wilderness athlete, experience junkie, spiritual questor, long-distance dog musher, and mother to a sixteen-year-old daughter, and 35 dogs, living above the Arctic Circle in Kotzebue, Alaska. Professionally, and as a jack-of-all-trades survivalist, she is a small business owner, rural Alaska project director, energy engineer, commercial fishermen, and wellness advocate. Accomplishments such as completing six Ironman triathlons and five 1000-mile dog sled races form the Cornerstone of Katherine’s philosophy of generating grit through overcoming real-time obstacles. A never-ending dreamer, Katherine is currently pursuing climbing the seven tallest summits on every continent as a budding alpinist. Above all, she loved spending time star-gazing, chasing northern lights, and playing cribbage by wood stove with Amelia at camp."
Her website: KatherineKeith.com
Instagram: @katherine.keith
Facebook: @kmkeith
Twitter: @KatKeith
Photo credit: Katie Orlinsky for the New York Times.

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