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Ep. 711: Lessons From Adventure for Life and Business - Barry Kruse

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On this show, we often hear of the over-civilized nine-to-fiver that becomes so dissatisfied with the daily grind that they give up the world of suit and ties, commutes, and water cooler chats to become a full-time adventurer.

What about those of us that find real peace and tranquility in the workplace? What if a full-time job actually led to more adventures? 

Today we’re talking to Barry Kruse, someone who had the chance to be that full-time adventurer, but left it for a whitecollar career, and couldn’t be happier. Listen now to hear how his decision has not only led to an amazing life, but one filled with adventures. 

Find out more about Barry and listen to his podcast, Leading Steep, at LeadingSteep.com

Facebook: @leadingsteepfireside

Instagram: @leadingsteep


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