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Ep. 717: How to Pull off an Epic Yearly Adventure With Your Friends - Frazer Buntin

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It’s no surprise that major life transitions are great times to have an adventure. So many of the stories told on this show are from trips where folks are between jobs, taking a gap year, after a divorce or experiencing other life-altering news. But what about the folks in the throes of “normal life”? Is there hope for those folks to have a life-changing adventure or are they forever stuck in weekend warrior mode? 

If you listen to this show on a regular basis you know the answer is that adventure is all around you, all the time, and tapping into the joys adventures bring doesn’t take months or weeks to accomplish.

Today, Frazer gives us an inside look at the winning formula that has allowed him and 12 buddies a trip-of-a-lifetime once a year, every year, for the last 15 years. 

It’s a simple formula but following the steps rigorously is the only way Frazer and his friends are able to make it happen on a consistent basis. Maybe it’s a formula that you’d be willing to adopt for yourself and/or for your friends to guarantee your next amazing adventure will actually be put on the calendar. 

Frazer’s story is also featured in the Adventure Journal here

Is the price of gear holding you back from going on your next adventure or have extra gear you don’t need? Rerouted.co is offering a sustainable option to purchase and sell high-quality used gear to save it from the landfill, and save your wallet. Check it out at www.rerouted.co


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